Friday, June 8, 2007

Siti Rouslinda Binti Salleh

Unic 3 - I love this activity but had someword that I'm not understand and it needs me to repair the vocabulary in English Language. Learn about simple present tense and adjective of quality as well as I can understand if very well. Read the dialog can helps me and my friends to speak very well in English Language and do the exercise of fill in the blanks base the dialog and the answer given. I really like the writing activity an aerostic poem throw the short name. I have used a short name 'ROS'. That is R is for Responsible, O is for Open-minded, S is for Simple.

Unic 4 - Madam had brought a radio to hears the westlife song and we are fill the answer in the blank base on the liric of song that had in exercise book. But I'm less understand word when hear it because it say very fast. What I think about the concept of westlife song is base on love song. For me, love is a friendship and how we must love someone before we are friend and known they very well. Next activity is about my opinion to my best friend either fizical or environment. I really like this activity. The activity also the can closed the nice relationship with others friend.

1 comment:

Iman Salim said...

ros, i believe that your writing is very good! keep it up. The fact that you like to write is a good start. Don't worry about grammar or vocabulary. You will pick them up as you go along. One way to help increase your vocab is by reading a lot. But the most important thing enjoy writing!