Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nadirah Samsuddin

Hehehe.. Dayah.. soryy. just go to holiday... See other country. so sorry don not buy something for u. hehe Dun angry ya.. Ok Dayah...C u tmorrow on class..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Strawberry ~ hidayah

Nadhirah went to Cameron Highland...! but she's never gives us something from there...huhuhu... 'NAK TUNTUT'... :p....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


our blog's user name is : "
our blog's password is : "set14."

nadirah samsuddin

Assalamualaikum everyone and my lovely teacher, madam iman. i hope u r in a good healthy. Finally i have my time to posting my message. I miss u madam and my friends. This is our final study in UKM. Hope everyone dun not forget each other. i think everyone are forgot our email and paswerd to open this blog. so sad ;(. whatever it is, i want take this chance to give my address blog. hope u will enjoy and can give a comment. :)

that all. if i have anytime, i will came here and give my posting. love and mis u all. Madam, i miss u..

Monday, February 2, 2009

hidayah razali

sometimes, we forgot that we're lost something,
and maybe we'll find 'what' we has lost,
remember, whatever we have lost it, don't forget our memories.